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Academic Year 2020-2021 is a very challenging year. We missed the regular setup where we see each other face to face but despite this, we were able to continue touching the hearts and transforming the lives of our students. Despite of the requirements to be submitted to our head, I was able to join some technology training and be certified. I believed that I need to step up and be taught new pedagogical teachings using technology. Hence, I was able to accomplish the following: 

I am now a certified Google Educator Lvel 1 and Level 2.

I am now a Seesaw Pioneer.

I am now a certified Microsoft Innovative Educator 


During the concluded virtual IC4E2021 held at Washeda Univesity Japan. I presented my Action Research. I was awarded as one of the Best Presenters  under Computer Assisted Instruction and Educational Information Technology cagtegory 


This certificate was given to me when I was asked to share or present my action research with the Lasallian community.  The virtual webinar workshop is open to all educators in public and private schools. 

I attended one of the webinar workshops too "Assessing Administrators' Training Needs Using a Leadership Competency Framework: The Case of De La Salle Santiago Zobel School.  


"Example makes a much greater impression on the mind and heart than words. "

-St. John Baptist De La Salle-

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