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Classroom Highlights/Content Area


MATHinYOU Intro 001

MATHinYOU Intro 002

I decided to create my own content materials such as YouTube videos in order to help my students increase their love of learning in Math. They can play and pause the video whenever they want to take down some important facts and details. Drills and practices are included to hasten the new mathematical skills they learned. Using this method of transferring new knowledge makes students realized that Math is fun, entertaining and engaging. The inclusion of the background music made the lesson more interesting. During our synchronous sessions, some would say “Miss, I liked the background music, it’s cool. Can you make more videos, please?” This positive remark lets the teacher/creator feel the importance of preparing videos. Giving an affirmation or appreciation to one’s work make the creator feel more enthusiastic and driven to create more educational videos. In addition, students can easily access the link of the videos through shared drive or by accessing the MATHinYOU channel to watch anytime whenever or wherever they want to. Lastly, it helps the students to become more creative and allows them to make their own videos too, they can vlog their performance tasks and share their thoughts on the essential questions given to them.

Here are My sample  educational Videos

I introduced this Math Song to my students to set their mood before we start our lesson. I also thought them some simple actions to make it more lively and enthusiastic during our synchronous class. 

This video is about telling time to the hour and to the half hour.

This video is all bout place value and value of a digit in ones and tens.

This video teaches the students how to add numbers with regrouping using different methods. 

This video/song helps the students learn the parts of a subtraction song

Sample Learning PlayList in Seesaw


This is the usual flow of our learning guide. First, we meet in our Google Meet class and will have synchronous sessions. Then will let them work on these playlists: Got To Do This, You Have a Choice, Take Your Pick, Self-assessment, and How You Found Your Lesson. All of these can be accessed through our Seesaw class. 


"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

© 2023 by Sasha Blake. Proudly created with

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