A performance task is any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency. It serves as evidence of learning. This pandemic we had several performance tasks for each term to showcase their creativity and learning.
Term 1 Performance Task: Addition Story Problems (Cares for the Earth)
You are a young mathematician writer whose passion is to help other kids to be better in Math. A publishing company invited you to write addition story problems about caring for the earth. The story problems that you will create will be included in their Kids magazine section.
Below are the tasks that you need to follow:
-Create 1 story problem using number bonds.
-Create 1 story problem using counting on.
-Create 1 story problem using a bar model/pictures
Your work will be checked in terms of completeness and relevance of the content of the story problem, accuracy of the solution, final answer and explanation.

Students' Sample Output

Term 2 Performance Task: Young Mathematician Vlogger
You are a young Mathematician vlogger whose passion is to share mathematical skills with everyone. One of the skills that you want to share is how to add and subtract numbers within 50.
Since everyone is learning online you decided to share the following tasks in order to help other students learn addition and subtraction.
1) Show how to rename 43, 27, 36, 19 and 50.
2) Show how to regroup 47, 12, 35, 28 and 39.
3) Show how to get the sum of your mother/aunt’s age and your age using any method.
4) Show how to get the difference of your father/uncle’s age and your age using any method.

Students' Sample Output

Term 3 Performance Task: I Can Design It!
(Integrated with their Art Subject on Patterns)
You are a designer in a prestigious clothing company. This month you are assigned to work on 5 different projects to complete.
1.Design a shirt using growing patterns.
2.Design a Polo shirt using repeating patterns.
3.Design a jersey using multiplication as repeated addition.
4.Design a blouse using division as equal sharing.
5.Design a sweatshirt using your own choice of pattern.
When the design is done, you need to submit a short video/audio presentation of each of your designs to your manager.
The manager will evaluate your design based on the accuracy of the design from the requirements and relevance of the explanation.

Students' Sample Output