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Rainbow Club



Students will develop an appreciation for Visual Arts as a whole, including the respect for artworks, materials, the community, the school, and their peers.  They should also be able to make connections with Art and how it affects their everyday world.   It will also provide an opportunity and appreciation to contribute more fully to the practical applications in his/her daily life or work. It will also takes into consideration the child’s creative growth as it relates to his/her physical, emotional and intellectual development.



The Rainbow Club of Grade 2 aims to produce and appreciate pieces of art.




This club aims to

  • provide opportunities for students to be exposed to different techniques and medium of art;

  • encourage students to express their thoughts, feelings and creativity through the various visual art;

  • become aware of the beauty of God’s creation around us;

  • grow through art at one’s own pace;

  • be an active participant or be more directly involved in one’s work;

  • develop a deep and lasting enjoyment of art that will carry over into adult life and

  • accept and respect the work of others


Name art

Kandinsky Circles

Super hero Art

Little Chefs Club



The Little Chefs Club is organized to expose the students in cooking as one way to express their creativity. Furthermore, the activities will entail the use of fine motor skills and hone the students’ eye hand coordination. Lastly, it aims to impart among student the value of appreciating one’s hard work and the feeling of satisfaction for accomplishing something they have exerted much effort on.




The Little Chefs Club aims to expose and let pupils produce child – friendly food and eventually instill among them the value of being self – reliant by making their own food.




The Little Chefs Club aims to:

  1. expose pupils to prepare simple food/meals;

  2. provide opportunity for students to express their creativity in making their own food;

  3. teach pupils the value of appreciation towards the people who prepare their food at home;

  4. instill among the pupils the essence of healthy lifestyle/importance of eating fruits and vegetables;

  5. teach students to be self – reliant.

Kani Salad

Beef and Salad Tacos

Fruit Salad Making

Clubhouse Sandwich

Halloween Food Art

Tippy Toes Club



The Tippy Toes Club was structured to help students improve their gross motor skills in a fun and interactive way. This club is about reinforcing students’ multiple intelligence specifically focused on the bodily-kinesthetic area; focusing on enhancing students’ ability to follow directions, have mind and body coordination and be music and body smart.




The Tippy Toes Club aims to reinforce students’ gross motor skills and their love for dancing.




The Tippy Toes Club aims to:


  1. teach students to perform simple movements in response to oral instruction (e.g, walk, run, turn, reach).

  2. reinforce students’ ability to respond spontaneously to different types of music, rhythms, and sounds.

  3. enable students to imitate simple movement patterns.

  4. improve students’ critical thinking skills by encouraging them to suggest/create movements or steps that correspond to specific music.

  5. teach students to perform basic locomotor skills (walk, run) and axial movements (twist, wiggle).

  6. improve students’ creativity through helping them make movements that reflect a variety of personal experience (e.g., recall feeling happy, sad, angry, excited).

  7. inspire students to appreciate music and reinforce their love for dancing.

  8. improve students’ awareness about the health benefits of dancing.

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. - Jack London
Believe in yourself and show what you have! - AVC

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