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ODL Exemplary works of students
For this academic year 2020 - 2021, my students were able to perform well the tasks given to them. It is important that we teachers need to organize their work because it is a great way for our students to be more involved in the assessment process. Most of their task is presented and done in our Seesaw Class.
Showcasing our students' work provides an opportunity to learn from each other and to appreciate the work of others and it builds a strong sense of classroom community. This also allows our students to develop creativity and to practce different skills using different tools.
Here are some of my students' best work!

This task allow the students to apply what they learned about gettignthe total of two numebrs using number bonds as one of the Singaporean Approaches in teaching math.
This is another activity that tests students skills on comparing and arranging numbers from least to greates and from greatest to least.

These are two different tasks. The first one is to let the students create their own patterns using the given shapes. They can drag and drap the shapes. While the seond task is about measuring lenght/height.
These tasks are intended for the students to apply what they learned about Picture Graph and Adding the same numbers.

This is our first performance in Term 3. Students were asked show how they can pack the items that they will donate to the less fortunate children. Applying what they learned about multiplication as repeated addition and our LCV, Lasallian contributes to society.
This is another task to show how the students understand multiplication as repeated addition and division as equal sharing.

In this task, the students were asked to write the correct addition sentence, the multiplication sentence and the correct answer to complete the final answer.
Time is indeed essential. This task lets the students read and write the correct time using the clock. They also need to show the indicated time by drawing the minute hand and the long hand.

This is our Term 3 main performance task. The students need to create and design 5 different shirts. Then they need to explain each of their designs using the audio or video button.
"Practice daily, because the quality of your practice determines the caliber of your performance."
- Robin S. Sharma
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