My Best Lesson Ever: Measure Me Up!
On the Ground
I am Angel V. Corbillon, a grade 2 Math teacher. I have been teaching for 13 years. Math is one of the subjects the students find hard to understand so one of my goals is to how would my students like and love Math.
This academic year is very meaningful and memorable because the students were able to learn different method and techniques in solving Math problems.
The question below was my guide on how to come up with a good instruction and planning of activities that will be helpful for my students.
How will my students learn the basic concepts of length, appreciate and apply it in their daily lives.
The Ladder​
I thought of engaging them in different activities done outside the classroom. This kind of activity is better known as experiential learning where students get to learn and explore outside the classroom through the use of measuring tools like meter sticks and rulers. I believe that retention of learning is highly positive through this kind of approach. I adapted the CPA (Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract Approach) of the Singaporean Math since our curriculum is following the path of Singapore Math .
Concrete – Pictorial Approach is an instruction child must progress and learn in the primary levels. This maybe the solution towards improving the performance of the Filipino Learners particularly in the TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) where the Philippines ranked third from the bottom last 2003 and 1999. This is very alarming to the educational system and economic growth of our country. CPA also includes discovery-learning strategies involving representation to help students transition between conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge (Sealander, Johnson, Lockwood & Medina, 2012).
CPA is a sequential three-level strategy promoting overall conceptual understanding, procedural accuracy and fluency by employing multi-sensory instructional techniques when introducing the new concepts. Each level builds on the concepts taught previously (Witzel, Riccomini & Schneider, 2008).
Our lesson on measurement was part of third term, module 3. During the planning stage, I considered having the lesson on measurement be realistic to them. We ask the students to measure the objects found in the classroom like the length of their pencil case, notebooks, books, teacher’s table, blackboard and the height of the door. Then, they were asked to work in groups outside the classroom. They have to list 5 objects that can be measured in meters or in centimeters. The task was made simpler but to some they wanted it to get the measurement so we allow them to do it. After the task, they went back inside the classroom, discussed their answers and shared it in front of the class. They also did a book work activity. To end the lesson, they were asked to make a summary sentence, at least one sentence on what they learned from the activity.
Our students are 21st learners, engaging them to become part of the lesson will be very meaningful to them. Helping them to become creative and active are some of my priorities in order to ensure that there will be learning done during the implementation of the lesson.
Below is the lesson plan for the day:
Objectives: By the end of the lessons, the pupils will be able to:
show and uses the appropriate unit of length and their abbreviation cm and m to measure a particular object.
measure objects using appropriate measuring tools in m or cm.
Task 1 (Blended – Active) Present the anchor task: Justin wants to buy a new long dining table. How will he measure the length of the table he needs?
Present a picture of a long table and discuss how it is being measured.
Ask: How do we measure the length of the table? What appropriate tool are you going to use? Ruler or meter stick? Why?
Show the difference between meter and centimeter.
(Concrete) Measure Me Up!
Let the pupils bring out their ruler to measure the length of their table, books, and notebooks.
Distribute the meter stick to each group then ask them to identify the objects that can be measured using meters stick in the classroom and outside the classroom.
Ask: Which objects inside/outside the classroom can be measured using cm?
Which objects inside/outside the classroom can be measured using m?
Present more images then ask them to determine whether it is being measured by meter or centimeter.
Task 2 (F2F - Active): Practice Exercises (Abstract)
Have the pupils answer pp. 369
Task 3 (F2F – Goal-Directed)
Ask the EQ: How do we measure length?
Task 4 - (F2F): Wrap Up “Summary Sentence”
I have learned that ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Students in aCTION!

At the Top​
Why did I consider this as the best lesson ever? I saw the enthusiastic and love for learning on the faces of my students when we had this activity outside the classroom. Another new learning experienced has evolved and it feels very fulfilling seeing them enjoy and learned so much in the activity.
Such kind of activity should always been applied and more varied activities to think about for the next academic year to improve their conceptual understanding and the problem solving performance. Indeed Math is for life. Engaging and incorporating tasks that will help them for their future must be our priority in planning our lessons. Our students is our gem and our future leaders and builders, so proper education and good foundation in their early years especially in Math must be prioritized.
Looking Back
After having implemented this lesson and found out that it was effective, the challenge to me now is to how will I make it more interesting to the next set of students this coming school year. I must continue this practice and will think more of other/additional exercises to challenge their minds on the different mathematical concepts.
Hence, considering our students’ ability and readiness to perform the activities will help attain our objective.It was indeed such a great chance of involving and challenging them to think critically and solve problems involving measurement.
I hope that their desire and passion to learn will never fade and will remember that once in their lives a teacher like me made their grade 2 journey a memorable one.