Best Pedagogical Approaches/Innovative Teaching Strategies
Mathematics can be a difficult subject for elementary school children to grasp. The abstract nature of the concept often makes it challenging to explain to young learners. Teaching elementary math is much easier with the help of a variety of teaching tools that help make mathematical concepts more concrete and demonstrate to students how they will use math in their everyday lives.
In order to implement a good lesson plan, a teacher should open himself/herself to different types of teaching strategies. In my everyday encounter with the students I used different strategies to help my students improve their conceptual understanding and problem solving perforamance.
Story Problems/Anchor Tasks

Story problems allow students to see how they will use mathematical concepts in class in real life. Learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide is only half the battle. The skills are nearly useless if students cannot apply them to real–life situations. By integrating story problems into daily lessons, teachers can effectively ensure that their students understand how to use math in everyday life.
Also, story problems help students understand the relevance of math. Through problems, students can begin to see that the concepts they are learning are not only useful in school but that they have inherent value due to real – world applications.
I noticed that most of my students are having a hard time in answering word problems or story problems that’s why I taught them these steps:
Understand the problem (What are the given? What is asked? What operation to be used?)
Solve (Solution)
Look back (Did you answer the question?)
I also encouraged my students to show an illustration of what is being described in the problem.
Games that Teach
I usually incorporate games when I teach to motivate my students. Games focus students’ attention especially if the games are new and appropriate to their age.
It makes my students more attentive and cooperative. They all look forward to our daily tasks especially when games are part of the tasks.

Lecture/Discussion is an important way to communicate information. It provides a way to communicate a large amount of information to many listeners and maximizes instructor control and is non – threatening to students.
Sometimes I do big group discussions and small group discussions.
Small group discussion is best to apply if you want your students to clearly understand new concepts and big group discussion is also best to apply if your topic is just very short and will not require so much of explanation.
Use of Manipulative Materials
Manipulatives are hands–on tools that help students figure out simple or complex math problems. Through the aid of manipulatives, the teacher can demonstrate how the concept works. Below are some of the materials we used:
We used fraction strips to better understand the basic concepts of fractions, and in comparing and ordering unit fractions.
I asked my students to bring toy clocks for our lesson on telling time.
I prepared a mystery bag for the students to guess each space/3D figure inside it.
I cut pieces of different shapes to enhance their mathematical skills on patterns and algebra.
We used the Popsicle sticks and base ten blocks to discuss counting numbers, place value, comparing and the four basic operations.
We used rulers and meter sticks to measure the lengths of objects found inside and outside the classroom.

It is always advisable for teachers especially primary teachers to always incorporate manipulative materials because it has lots of benefits. Some researchers claimed that the use of manipulatives allows students to construct their own cognitive models for abstract mathematical ideas and processes. It also provides a common language with which to communicate these models to the teacher and to the students.

Peer Tutoring/Pair Share
It is an instructional strategy that consists of pairing students together to learn or practice on academic task. The pairs of students can be of the same or differing ability. I have observed that this is a good practice because those who are performing well are given the chance to act as a teacher and share their knowledge.
In this manner the value of sharing is being stressed. Their grouping should not be permanent so that each one of them will have the chance to meet and teach their classmates. I am using this strategy to help students improve their social skills.
Cooperative Learning
During the first day of classes, one of the things I consider to do is to let my students know their group members. So whenever we have group activities they would know where to go and what to do. Cooperative learning is an essential part of math instruction. Students not only help each other. They acquire problem–solving skills that help them with math and with social situations in and out of the classroom.
This strategy also emphasizes the importance of the individual in a team effort. Teachers should utilize flexible grouping and encourage students to discuss the concepts and work together to find a solution. Interaction and active engagement in learning will promote overall math achievement.

Board Work
One of the strategies that enhance student’s self–confidence is the Board Work activity. Most of my students love to answer Math drills and exercises on the board. It easily helps me identify the misconceptions through their solutions and give immediate feedback on how to answer the question correctly.
Reporting or Sharing
This is another way of getting what they have learned from the lesson. I usually asked them to work by group to discuss and share their ideas on a certain topic then asked them to present or report their collaborative effort in front of the class.

Use of Number Lines
A number line is a simple, affordable, and incredibly valuable mathematical teaching tool. When students begin to learn math, they develop number sense. Number sense is the understanding of what numbers are and how they relate to each other. A student who knows that six is a larger number than four, has basic concepts of number sense.
Number lines provide students with a concrete representation of the number system. When students first begin counting or start to learn the basic operations of addition and subtraction, number lines can help the order of the digits.
Station Rotation
I used station rotation to have my students work collaboratively with their peers. Though we do not use a gadget for this, I thought of making 4 different sets of problems with different levels of difficulty. Each group will work on a station then after the given allotted time, they will move on to the next station to work on a task.
Using this technique helps me teach, re-teach, extend or have students practiced based on their needs.
Station rotations keep students engaged and this technique addresses 21st-century learning skills because it allows students to learn on their own, with their peers, from their teacher, and with the help of digital-based content.

Use of Technology
Technology–oriented approach refers to the activities or to the instruction that involves the use of computers, mobile learning devices like smartphones, and tablets, presentation, and media.
I specifically use the PowerPoint presentation, youtube video clips and some activities found online. Some researchers claimed that the use of technology has a greater impact on the achievement and performance of the students.
Here are some of the e-learning platforms I used in our online distance learning!

This is our Learning Management System (LMS). I upload here our learning playlists, post some announcements and give feedback to their output.

This learning tool allows my students to share their thoughts on how they found our lesson for the week. They can share through texts, pictures/emojis, or videos.

Students can access the prepared activities like assessments, self-assessment, how you found your lesson through Google. But most of the time, we use Google Forms to administer our summative assessments because it is data driven. You can easily get the result of the assesment.
This is one of the most favorite tools for my students. Quizziz is a game app where students can answer a teacher-made test individually. They can answer the game synchronously and asynchronously. If it is done synchronously, they usually want it to be done LIVE. They are engaged so well because they can see they performance and their rank among their classmates. I usually remind them before the game that it is just a friendly competition. :)

This is another learning app that the students can use to express or share their thoughts/ideas about a certain topic in Math or How they found our lesson.

Journal writing allows students to shed light on their views and beliefs about math concepts through writing. Students can use these journals to communicate their thoughts, ideas and understanding about mathematics.
This strategy provides teachers with an indication of students understanding or misunderstanding of concepts. Journal writing provides a safe venue for students to express what they know or do not know about specific math concepts or problem solving.
I usually do this as my closure/wrap - up activity to know whether my students learned something from the lesson or did not learn anything also. This can serve also as a means of getting their feedback.

The video explainer helps the students learn the mathematical concepts. They can watch the video as many times as they want.