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Math is Fun Video Write - Up

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A Video Write - Up on Applications of Learning Theories in Teaching Math

People agree that learning is important, but they hold different views on the causes, processes, and consequences of learning. There is no one definition of learning that is universally accepted by theorists, researchers, and practitioners (Shuell, 1986).


Learning is an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience.


Teaching is a profession that is very noble and modest. I could say that it is also a calling. One can’t teach without perseverance and determination. I have been in this teaching profession for 13 years now and I could say that I was able to touch the hearts, transform the lives and teach the young minds of my students on how to become a better person and have a deep love and understanding in Math.


I am truly blessed that I was able to refresh my knowledge on the different theories of learning through my learning theories subject and indeed I am evaluating my practices in the classroom. Somehow I could relate to most of the statements and information given by the reporters.


Since the teachers were busy on their own task, I was not able to ask someone to video me while teaching, rather I was the one who took the video (one man power). So you could not see my face, but you could hear my voice and one appearance (picture only) at the end of the video.

I always start my instruction through Math songs and Math cheer, because I believe as a grade two teacher I need to set the mood of my students. In this manner, I am a behaviorist since I am into their behaviors. The learners will focus well if they know their teacher’s standard in the class. Proper guidance and behavior modification technique is important in handling students with untoward behavior.


You can view in the video that I use positive phrases to reinforce the behavior of my students. It was evident when my students were done with the activity, when they returned to the classroom I said “Good/Great job.”


After the Math song and the Math cheer, I explained the task that they will do outside the classroom. Our lesson was on area through square tiles. I thought of letting them experience how to find the area of a plane figure by letting them count the number of square tiles, write their answer on a paper then share it to the whole class.

Each group was assigned to work on the following places in the school, like in the playground, hallway, stairs and in the flagpole. As they do the activities, I see to it that they work together and discuss among them their answers.


I am a constructivist in this kind of approach. I do believe that learning takes place when students are engage more into hands-on activities. There a lot of studies that claim that the constructivism approach has a greater impact onto students’ achievement and attitudes towards learning.

In the video, you can also see how some students interact with their classmates. They discuss their answers among their classmates. Class activities that require sharing ideas and experiences with others of different backgrounds facilitate educational outcomes that students appreciate as useful for success in a multicultural society.


To enhance more their knowledge about the area, we also had an Animal Puzzle activity. The students again were asked to work by the group. Each group was given 16 pieces of squares and they need to form the animal on a manila paper given the allotted time. Surprisingly most of them got it correct. The animals were a lion, owl, dog, and a fish. But there was this one group, not shown in the video, they have a different answer on the image of an owl. Instead of creating an owl they made a figure of another bird.


Wow! Their creativity, imagination and connection to the idea of birds worked. They were able to construct or form a new figure. I let them explained their work and they were able to justify their answers.

Next, it is also seen in the video that I prepared some manipulative materials to discuss the concept of probability. Particularly on events that are likely, more likely, equally likely, and unlikely to happen. After discussing the terms and concepts I ask them to make a simple experiment like spinning the wheel with colors and letters, tossing a coin, picking a color cube in a bag, and rolling a dice. I felt the whole class was in a funfair, I could feel their excitement whenever they got a correct answer on their guesses and feel their regret or sadness for an incorrect answer.


I am not teaching the concept of gambling to my students but in reality, it is really is the application of probability like lottery, playing cards, scratching a ticket, and so on. The students were able to understand the concept and indeed they had fun learning Math.


In the last part of the video (a photo was shown), we had our performance task on Family Christmas Reunion. Their role was an event organizer so they need to make a layout design of the total numbers of tables and chairs. They need to make use of different kinds of tables like square tables, circular tables, triangular tables, quarter table, semi – circle table applying the concepts of geometry (plain figures). I asked them to do the task outside the classroom.

Teaching and learning is not only done inside the classroom, that is why I do sometimes have activities done outside the classroom for the students to move freely and think well. They need some air and activities that requires their mind or brain to work. In doing so, they must not be contained to learn inside the classroom. Brain based learning theory here is being applied.

It is how the students learn differently as they age, grow, and mature emotionally, socially and cognitively. In brain based learning we try to make the environments very relaxed and eliminate the fear in learners.


Let me end my write - up with these quotes:


“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” - Albert Einstein:



” Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin

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