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My DLSZ online distance learning experience was like a ROSE. Meaning it was beautiful and amazing. Just like a rose, it has thorns. So, the implementation of online distance learning for the first time at DLSZ was really challenging. We need to have different preparations so that this implementation will become a full-blown beautiful rose with fewer thorns. We were asked to attend training and webinars and have some several virtual meetings. It’s really a big shift from the traditional classroom to the new normal setup. But DLSZ was so hopeful to try ODL because the teachers were already trained and equipped with the use of technology. In fact, blended learning and flipped models of instruction was already adapted prior to this new normal setup. And we teachers were encouraged to use different e-platforms so that we can give the best learning experience to our students.

The good thing about DLSZ online distance learning was you are given an opportunity to attend to your personal needs. I can do laundry, I can prepare our food, I can wash the dishes, I can also attend to my daughter’s needs. All I need to do is to get my phone and greet my co teachers by 7:30 for my attendance to be checked and open my laptop to prepare for my homeroom class and for my classes. And I also realized during this online distance learning that I can be a productive person. I was able to conduct my first action research on Integrating Mathematical Modeling to Improve or Enhance Students’ Performance and Engagement in Math. I presented this action research virtually during the IC4E 2021 at Washeda University Japan. And I was awarded as one of the BEST Presenters. Also the MATHinYOU channel was created. This is an educational channel to help students learn different mathematical skills. And I thank DLSZ for this success.

What’s challenging about online distance learning is how you get your students’ full participation during synchronous classes. One of the reasons probably is due to poor connection. Sone students can’t turn on their cameras, some students can’t turn on their audios, and to share their answers. Another challenge is making sure that everyone submitted or answered the formative assessment and the summative assessment. I usually check or remind these students through email and notes in Seesaw. And one last challenge that I can see during ODL is the preparation of the materials to be included in the Weekly Learning Guide and in the learning playlist. But after all these challenges and have seen the fruit of my work through my students’ performance and answers to how you found your lesson, I feel so blessed and happy that I still have a job and these students still need me.


"Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners."

-John Holt-

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